
I'm Loc

I'm a Frontend Software Developer with a strong passion for building websites and I am willing to explore different tech fields
Here's a bit more about me

Here are some of my projects

  • Movie Website Mockup

    Html, CSS , JavaScript

    This project allowed me to develop a strong understanding of using the Fetch API to retrieve data from a movie database and integrate it into a web application. The main focus was on implementing the search feature, which allows users to search for movies by title. I used JavaScript to handle user interactions and requests, as well as HTML and CSS to create a visually appealing interface to display the search results. This project showcases my skills in front-end and back-end development, and demonstrates my dedication to staying current with the latest web development technologies and best practices.

  • lib-web-pic

    Library Website

    Html, CSS , JavaScript, React

    This project demonstrates my proficiency in React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and showcases my ability to create visually appealing and functional websites that meet the needs of users. I used Html and CSS to create an aesthetically pleasing design that complements the overall user experience. I used JS and React to build a sort function allows users to sort books by criteria such as prices and stars. I also added the add-to-cart functionality enables users to select books and the quantity. Finally, I learned how to use routing to ensure that users can easily navigate between pages and access important information about the library.